Film Quiz with actors Patrik Karlson and Malin Myrén

Project Details

Project Description

Light-hearted entertainment on a high level
Film Quiz Extra Allt is the fuller version of the classic pub quiz. Hosted by two actors who
challenge the audience’s knowledge within film and TV. We compete in teams. We will
watch scenes both on the big screen and live. The questions range from old time film
classics to the latest tv-series. For the braver ones there are opportunities to both impress
and get bonus points by giving a performance. Those with very specific knowledge
also be rewarded. Light-hearted and fun entertainment that can be combined with dinner
or other activities.
We offer everything from general to thematic quizzes, like our popular Christmas
and New Years quiz.
Duration: 1-2 hours depending on your wishes regarding the setting.
From 10 participants and up.